What’s a SPARK Day?

It's one day.  You + Me: 1 on 1
Digging Deep. Rising High.
to “get it done” - get it sorted - get it figured out —FAST
cause really…haven’t you been waiting … possibly your whole life to be YOU?

The most purpose-driven, fully expressed, creative, powerful, independent, non-conforming, vital YOU?

I thought so.

It's one glorious day to STOP THE MADNESS of every day living to re-discover, to remember, and to RE-IGNITE WHO you really are and WHAT deep in your heart, in your soul, in every fiber of your being... LIGHTS you up! 

Because what lights you up is EVERYTHING. 
It's your divine blueprint. 

What are some of the things we can Spark? 

:: your passions, your purpose, your gifts, your calling, your EPIC genius, your right livelihood
:: your values, your strengths
:: the golden thread that weaves through your life experience and tells your unique story
:: Your path, your focus, your plan
:: Your desires, your dreams (the real ones, the deep ones, the crazy ones)
:: What would feed your soul
:: The truth of how you want to be living (& feeling!) e-v-e-r-y single day 
:: The one goal or project that has the most transformative power RIGHT now to impact all other areas in your life 
:: What it would be like to be fully expressed, unapologetically YOU
:: And also...what has kept you stuck, misunderstood, oppressed, dull, unhealthy, overweight and heavy (physically, emotionally, energetically) 
:: And....and...also....your vitality. Your wellness, nutrition, your life force...how to live high vibe to live your magic. 

What are typical outcomes of a Spark day?

:: Your E.P.I.C. code is revealed. (What makes you and your life Extraordinary, Passion-filled, Inspiring, and Completely aligned.)
:: Your Zone of Genius (or what I call your E.P.I.C Genius) — your right livelihood, your gift to the world (and most importantly, your gift to your soul) is uncovered. 
:: Your most aligned service or offer to the world outlined and packaged
:: Limiting beliefs and old programming deleted. 
:: Boring and oppressive societal norms are not just kicked to the curb, they are sent flying out of the ballpark #homerun! 
:: Exhaustion, low energy, low mood, confusion and indecision is replaced with: energy, excitement, zest for life and aligned direction and FOCUS.
:: Radical WELLNESS in all areas of life are mapped out. 
::  A life plan & strategy is blueprinted so you can swiftly create and live ONLY WHAT MATTERS MOST. 

This is no ordinary day. This is your day to RE-IGNITE your life!

My philosophy is simple. "Know Thyself" - To get what you want, you have to know what you want. REALLY want. To know what you REALLY want, you have to know WHO you are. EVERYTHING is built on that knowing. Without it you could very easily build extraordinary things. Extraordinary things that DON'T MATTER squat to you. 

Hollie Flynn...Lightwriter, Healer, Intuitive & Holistic Life & Wellness Guide & Advisor

Hollie Flynn...Lightwriter, Healer, Intuitive & Holistic Life & Wellness Guide & Advisor

You need to know who you are at your core. Who you are at the soul level. That's all that matters. From that spark of illumination and aliveness you'll discover your purpose, your calling. You'll understand your desires and dreams and you'll finally know what it feels like to build and create from alignment, power and aliveness. 

You also need to be in a state of optimal wellness. Your vitality matters to whether you have clarity or not. Your energy determines everything to what and who you are attracting to the more practical of having enough fuel to live YOU and all your dreams fully. Purpose & Vitality go hand in hand.

By the end of our work together I want you to be able to answer every single question below with a full out, deep in your Soul "Yes!"

:: Is EVERY decision you make aligned with your core values and fueled by your passions?

:: Are you living your purpose?            

:: Does your work feel like an extension of your soul?

:: Have you stopped living by rules that make no sense to you?

:: Have you stopped asking for permission?

:: Have you stopped seeking approval?

:: Do you feel confident, courageous, and powerful (even if quietly so) in who you are as a person?

:: Are you fit and energetic in mind, body and spirit?

:: Are you continuously and intentionally crafting and creating a life that represents your passions, values, purpose, and deepest desires?

Are you living the most


expression of you? 

WHO I wORK with

My clients are smart, passionate, and purpose driven individuals. Freedom is a must. They desire to live full out and to make a difference in this world. They have deep feelings, complex thoughts, big hearts, and are on a quest to find their place in this world and then to create a better world. They are lightworkers, lightwarriors, often psychology majors, coaches, healers, and creatives.

If younger they may show up as misfits, non-conformists and rebels. (I like these people.)

They can't stop themselves from questioning things. They don't shy away from challenges. And they have never taken the easy path, only their path. They want more than most people...they feel more than most people.

They are adventurers in pursuit of extraordinary experiences, a richness in living, and have an insatiable desire to know who they are and to live THAT... boldly, courageously, and FULL OUT.

Who I Do not work with

I do not work with those who aren't willing to take 100% responsibility for their lives (the good, the bad, the ugly).  I do not work with unkind people. I do not work with complainers and those who are not willing to dig in and do the work. I do not work with negative people (side note: it is OK if life is currently shit, or if you are struggling with heartbreak, loss, or hard times...I want the honest raw version of you and life, but you must believe that you have the power to create your reality and approach life from a place of openness and positivity.)

How we work together

We go deep, one-to-one for 8 weeks.
:: We’ll kick things off with a 360 View of YOU: Wellness & Lifestyle Assessment
:: Followed up with a 2 Hour Illumination session (we dive deep into the results of your 360 Assessment & create your unique SPARK Blueprint based solely and soulfully on YOU)
:: You’ll receive 8 weeks of high-touch support: phone, email, text, FB messenger — whatever needs to happen will happen. I work differently…you’re not left hanging in between sessions. You have access to me via email, Facebook, text. Any downloads I have that pertain to you, will be delivered to you immediately and not held for the “next session”. This an immersive experience. I work with people who are ready to cut to the chase and get to work on living their most Extraordinary, Passion-filled, Inspiring, and Completely aligned lives and selves! That’s my definition of EPIC! We go deep. We work fast. The goal is transformation. And that, my friend can happen any moment!
:: Our work will include life purpose discovery, intuitive guidance, life design and life training. The Masterpiece experience will be highly personalized and customized to your specific dreams, goals and desires.

Ready to create your MASTERPIECE? 

Reach out to me on Facebook if you would like to chat about working 1:1 with me. Or send email to WellnessSPARK@gmail.com. With subject line: Masterpiece 1:1

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