VIP SPARK DAY + 8 Week Transformational Program to
Create & Live your most Vital, Purpose-Driven,
& Empowered Life.
I’m so fired up! This is powerful. What we most need right now are transition tools and support for women who refuse to keep giving all their energy away! It’s time to get unstuck, to stop settling, and to begin to cultivate your energy, your power to live the life you deeply desire. If not now, when? Read that again, “IF NOT NOW, WHEN?” - I want to wake you up to the fact that time is precious and your dreams matter. I’m here to advocate for you, guide you, train you, and support you to live your most extraordinary self, your most extraordinary life!
And to do that, guess what you need to become? AUDACIOUS.
You must be willing to be courageous and bold. You must dare to invest in yourself, back yourself, and finally say YES to your dreams. Not your children’s, your spouses, your boss’s dreams, but YOURS.
:: tired
:: flat
:: overwhelmed
:: feeling lost, stuck
:: wondering how life has gone by so fast
:: wavering between going “for it” and settling for “I guess this is as good as it gets.”
:: not able to move on from your last health issue, relationship hurt, or financial crisis
:: tired of thinking of that new project, business, fitness goal, or just new way of life and never getting started or following through?
:: feel like you are meant for more, but can’t figure out what the “more” is
:: your “spark” has left the building
:: you want to create something, you want more meaning, more freedom, more aliveness
I GET IT! And I know this for sure… you just need someone who SEES you, your heart’s desire, and believes in you- a jumpstart, a timeline and EXTRAORDINARY support!
We are going to kick this off with a 4-5 hour VIP day. Let’s dive deep and figure out what you really want and what’s holding you back.
I’ll walk you through my Sparking Your E.P.I.C. Life Method. You’ll discover your E.P.I.C. Code— this is what makes you, uniquely YOU! Your passions, purpose, gifts, strengths, values, desires, dreams, and what would inspire, motivate and call you forward into your next level you, your next level life.
We’ll excavate 10 major areas of life and create a blueprint for you to build from. You’ll pick a Spark Goal or Goals that you will go after for 8 weeks as you reimagine, reinvent, and re-build a more vital, purpose-driven, and empowered life!
This is such exciting work. It’s hard, but the good kind of hard. Where you are so willing to do the work because you see exactly how you can develop yourself into someone who is confident, positive, high-energy, and RESOURCEFUL. A person who can create and build a life they are in love with.
I know this. YOUR DREAMS MATTER. And when you devote the time to stop the madness of a busy, unfulfilling life to investigate and to get radically honest with your true desires things began to open up.
NOTHING is more important than you being intentional, setting the course for yourself and having the heart, the courage to go for it. And I’ll be there every step of the way to cheer you on, support, and guide you to be more AUDACIOUS in creating and living what lights you up.
This is your call, your invitation this summer to BE MORE AUDACIOUS. I dare you.
With Love,
Investment: $1,800. (VIP Day 4-5 Hours + 8 Weeks Private 1:1 Coaching with Hollie
By the end of our summer journey together, I want you to be able to answer every single question below with a full out, deep in your Soul "Yes!"
:: Is EVERY decision you make aligned with your core values and fueled by your passions?
:: Are you living your purpose?
:: Does your work feel like an extension of your soul?
:: Have you stopped living by rules that make no sense to you?
:: Have you stopped asking for permission?
:: Have you stopped seeking approval?
:: Do you feel confident, courageous, and powerful (even if quietly so) in who you are as a person?
:: Are you fit and energetic in mind, body and spirit?
:: Are you continuously and intentionally crafting and creating a life that represents your passions, values, purpose, and deepest desires?
:: Are you loving yourself more fiercely than ever?
Are you living your most
Vital, Purpose-Driven, & Empowered
expression of you?
How we work together
::1 VIP SPARK DAY: 4-5 hours (in person or virtual)
:: 8 Weeks Private 1-on-1 Coaching
:: 8 Weeks Personal Development Training (becoming the leader in your own life!)
:: Unlimited support via Coaching app (Monday - Thursday 9-5pm EST)
:: 360 View of YOU: Lifestyle Assessment
:: 4 Personality Tests
:: Your E.P.I.C. Genius (Business/Career — finding the “right for you” career path, business idea, project)
I’m opening up a handful of spots for people to spend the day with me for their VIP Day to go on a gorgeous hike to McAfee Knob!
This program is an intimate, immersive experience with a ton of support. I work with people who are ready to transform and who believe they can create and live their most Extraordinary, Passion-filled, Inspiring, and Completely aligned lives and selves!
Ready to begin your Audacious Summer Adventure?
(*If you need payment plan, I will finance for you. Reach out to discuss.)
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